
Books Written and Co-Written:

Introduction to Structured Finance

Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2006. Co-written with Frank J. Fabozzi and Moorad Choudhry

Smart Financial Management: The Essential Reference for the Successful Small Business

New York: Amacom Books, 2004. Co-written with William W. Sihler and Richard D. Crawford

Project Finance: Practical Case Studies

 Second edition. London: Euromoney Books, 2003

Project FinanceVolume I – Power and Water, 237 pages

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Volume II – Resources and Infrastructure, 285 pages

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Financial Turnarounds: Preserving Value

Morristown, NJ: Financial Executives Research Foundation, 2001. Second publishing by Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2002. Co-written with William W. Sihler

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Project Finance in Latin America: Practical Case Studies

London: Euromoney Books, 2000


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Building Value with Capital Structure Strategies

Morristown, NJ: Financial Executives Research Foundation, 1998. Co-written with William W. Sihler

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Executive Summary







Cash Flow and Performance Measurement: Managing for Value

Morristown, NJ: Financial Executives Research Foundation, 1996

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Executive Summary







Project Finance: Practical Case Studies

London: Euromoney Books, 1996









Lender’s Guide to the Knowledge-Based Economy

Co-authored with Richard D. Crawford. New York: Amacom Books, 1996

Lender's Guide









Foreign Exchange Risk Management: A Survey of Corporate Practices

Morristown, NJ: Financial Executives Research Foundation, 1995. Co-written with Frederick C. Militello, Jr.

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The Empowered Organization: Redefining the Roles and Practices of Finance

Morristown, NJ: Financial Executives Research Foundation, 1994. Co-written with Frederick C. Militello, Jr.








Financial Products for Medium-Sized Companies

Morristown, NJ: Financial Executives Research Foundation, 1989

Electronic Data Interchange and Corporate Trade payments

Morristown, NJ: Financial Executives Research Foundation, 1988

Cash Management and the Payments System: Ground Rules, Costs and Risks

Morristown, NJ: Financial Executives Research Foundation, 1986

Position Papers for Industry, Professional and Trade Associations

The Future Success of Small and Medium Manufacturers: Challenges and Policy Issues

Position paper, The Manufacturing Institute, National Association of Manufacturers, 2006




Credit Rating Agencies: The Need for Increased Competition

Position paper, Financial Executives International, 2006




Competition in Auto Financing

Position paper, National Automobile Dealers Association, April 2005. Co-written with William W. Sihler




Books Edited

Infrastructure Finance: Trends and Techniques

London: Euromoney Books, 2008









Corporate Governance: A Guide to Corporate Accountability

New York: Institutional Investor, 2003

Corporate Governance









FAS133 and the New Derivatives Accounting Landscape

New York, Institutional Investor, 2001

FAS 133









Essentials of Cash Management

Fourth edition. Bethesda, MD: Treasury Management Association, 1992


Business School Case Studies

CableTech, Inc. Case study, UVA-F-1373. Charlottesville, VA, Darden Graduate Business School, 2002.

Crate & Cushion (A and B). Case studies, UVA-F-1390 and 1391. Charlottesville, VA: Darden Graduate Business School, 2002.

Superior Box Company. Case study, UVA-F-1395. Charlottesville, VA: Darden Graduate Business School, 2002.

Audubon Aggregates, Incorporated (A, B, and C). Case studies, UVA-F-1307, 1308, and 1309. Charlottesville, VA: Darden Graduate Business School, 2000.

Curtis Bag Company. Case study, UVA-F-1324. Charlottesville, VA: Darden Graduate Business School, 2001.

Heritage Brick Company (A and B). Case studies, UVA-F-1305 and 1321. Charlottesville, VA: Darden Graduate Business School, 2000.

Storzall, Inc. Case study, UVA-F-1318. Charlottesville, VA: Darden Graduate Business School, 2000.

First National Bank of Boston—Brazil. Case study. Boston, MA: President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1981


Hedging Longevity Risk: Recent Developments.Insurance Finance & Investment, newsletter, June 15, 2010.

“The Definition of Structured Finance: Results from a Survey.” Journal of Structured Finance, Fall 2005, pp. 5-10.

“Hedge Funds Drive Demand for Expanded Prime Brokerage Services.” Institutional Investor’s Alpha, September-October 2005.

“Assets & Access—Hedge Funds Gain Investment Variety from ETFs.” Institutional Investor’s Alpha, May-June 2005.

“Risk Management Culture.” Emerging Markets (Inter-American Development Bank Meeting, Okinawa, Japan), April 10, 2005.

“Hedge Funds Embrace FX as an Asset Class.” Institutional Investor’s Alpha, September-October 2004

“Custody Banks Take on Complex Tasks.” Custody and Asset Servicing: An Institutional Investor Report, Institutional Investor, May 2004.

“Sovereign Bonds Sail the Caribbean.” Emerging Markets (Inter-American Development Bank Meeting, Lima, Peru), March 29, 2004.

“$6 Billion Borrow: The Inter-American Development Bank Is a Regular Borrower in the International Capital Markets.” Emerging Markets (Inter-American Development Bank Meeting, Lima, Peru), March 27, 2004.

“The FX Challenge for Hedge Fund Managers.” Institutional Investor’s Alpha, March 2004.

“Trends in the Foreign Exchange Business.” Special Report: The Institutional Investor Guide to Foreign Exchange as an Asset Class, Institutional Investor, March 2004.

“Drax—Case Study of a British Power Project Financing.” Journal of Structured and Project Finance, Winter 2003.

“How Enron Has Affected Project Finance.”  Journal of Structured and Project Finance, Spring 2002.

“Down, but Far from Out.” Latin Finance, December 2001.

“Bill Dunk’s Annual Report on Annual Reports.” Strategic Investor Relations, Winter 2001.

“Review: Expectations Investing by Alfred Rappaport and Michael J. Mauboussin.” Strategic Investor Relations, Winter 2001.

“Drilling for Shareholder Value.” Corporate Finance, April 2001, pp. 16-19.

“Regulation FD: The SEC Point of View.” Strategic Investor Relations, Spring 2001.

“Energy’s New Generation.” Latin Finance, November 2000.

“Private Railway Concession in Peru.”  Journal of Project Finance, Summer 2000. Co-authored with Henry Posner III.

“Constructing Credit.” Latin Finance, June 2000.

“Highly Leveraged Companies: Current Concepts and Practices in the United States.” In The Current State of Business Disciplines, Volume Three: Finance. Rohtak, India: Spellbound Publications, 2000.

“Effects of the World Financial Crisis on Project Finance: A Review of the Rating Agency Sourcebooks.” Journal of Project Finance, Winter 1999

“TermoEmcali: Case Study of a Colombian Power Project.” Journal of Project Finance, Winter 1999. Co-authored with Thomas E. Lake.

“FASB Rules: Delayed but Not Dead.” Risk, January 1998.

“Accounting and Disclosure: FASB’s Push Continues.” International Treasurer, October 27, 1997.

“Derivatives and Hedging: FASB’s Final Push,” International Treasurer, October 14, 1997.

“Rewriting the Rules.” Risk, July 1997.

“International Standards: Derivatives and Hedge Accounting Abroad.” International Treasurer, June 23, 1997.

“Risk Controls: Generally Accepted Risk Principles.” International Treasurer, June 9, 1997.

“Comment Letters on Hedge Draft.” International Treasurer, December 9, 1996.

“Merck’s Treasury and the Internet.” International Treasurer, June 24, 1996.

“Standard Fair.” Risk, June 1996.

“FASB’s Continuing Evolution.” International Treasurer, March 18, 1996.

“Anticipated Intercompany Hedges.” International Treasurer, November 27, 1995.

“Brought to Account.” Risk, October 1995.

“Statement of Intent.” Risk, September 1995.

“Merck Renews Its Vows.” Finance Director Latin America, January 1995.

“Derivatives Controls: Taking Responsibility.” International Treasurer, January 23, 1995.

“More Derivatives Disclosure Guidance.” International Treasurer, January 5, 1995.

“Hedging Mexican Peso Exposure.” U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Reporter, December 20, 1994.

“A New Hedge Accounting.” International Treasurer, December 12, 1994.

“FX Hedging Benchmarks.” International Treasurer, November 28, 1994.

“Setting Internal Budget Rates.” International Treasurer, November 14, 1994.

“FEI Study Findings on Forex Risk.” International Treasurer, October 17, 1994.

“Free, Green Money: Export Import Bank Financing for Firms That Provide Environmental Products and Services in Mexico.” Finance Director Latin America, October 1994.

“Foreign Exchange: Line Up and Wait.” Finance Director Latin America, September 1994.

“Case Study: Hybrid Financing of Power Project.” Latin American Law and Business Report, July 1994.

“Project Financing: Funding into the Next Century.” Finance & Treasury, April 25, 1994.

“A Financial Comparison of Community Banks by Area of Lending Concentration.” Bank Securities Monthly, October 1992.

“How Banks Are Valued in Today’s Market.” In The Bank Analyst. Washington, DC: Ferguson & Co., 1991.

“Risk Management of Off-Balance-Sheet Activities.” Journal of Commercial Bank Lending, January 1989. Co-authored with David C. Cates.

“Financial Innovation: Strategies and Consequences.” International Management Development Review. Brussels: Management Centre Europe, 1988.

“Off-Balance-Sheet Banking and the Changing Nature of Financial Risk.” Philadelphia, PA: Robert Morris Associates, 1987. Co-authored with David C. Cates.

“Changing Priorities in Corporate Cash Management.” Financial Executive, January 1987.

“Ethics and Cash Management.” Journal of Cash Management, March/April 1987.

“Foreign Exchange Exposure: It’s Not All on the Balance Sheet.” Cashflow, December 1986.

“International Banking.” In Banker’s Desk Reference Yearbook. New York: Warren Gorham & Lamont, 1982.